
"Rest and be thankful." William Wordsworth

“Rest and be thankful.” William Wordsworth

Today I am focused on rest. It seems somewhere along the line I learned I should fill every moment of the day. Every day. I scold myself when I find myself sitting doing nothing.

The other day, my husband was unloading the dishwasher for me. While he did, I cleared the table, put away the leftovers, and took out the recycling. When I was done, I was ready to load the dirty dishes. Only my husband wasn’t finished yet. So I stood there. But then I paced. And then I looked for something to put away. There was nothing. So I started helping unload the remaining dishes, but husband said, “It’s okay, hon. I got it.”

I didn’t know what to do with myself, and standing there doing nothing felt… wrong? Unproductive?

I have to be honest about something. The last several days have been hard… emotionally. I’ve received a lot of tragic news, I’ve experienced the (temporary) loss of a friend that I don’t fully understand, and this morning my son had an experience that has left me quite unsettled. At the same time, this week has held some really amazing encounters with God, outstanding progress on a current project, and some sweet moments with my family.

I feel emotional dissonance. Heart break juxtaposed with elation. So I do what I always do when I need to deal… I drink more coffee and allow myself to become so busy I don’t have to deal. πŸ˜‰

This morning, though, I found myself sitting on my couch, mentally distracted yet not doing anything. Just sitting there. Why am I just sitting here? I asked myself.

Because I’m tired. Β That’s why.

Hear me well when I say, I am doing great overall. But I need a break. It’s time to take rest. Take care of myself. Eat. Listen to some music. Color with my daughter. Lie on the couch with my son and listen to his stories. Eat. (I have to remind myself to eat. And eat well.)

So that is what I am doing today. Hitting the breaks for moment, catching my breath, and taking care of myself. And it’s okay. In fact, in my idleness I was led to listen to a song I want to share with you. It helped soothe the angst I was feeling from all the devastating news– it has rejuvenated my heart.

So I invite you to take a quality break today. We cannot be our best when we are tired. And if you are feeling emotional dissonance, I hope you find this song encouraging.

9 thoughts on “Breaktime

  1. Yes, you deserve a break. I know that your core is to encourage and love on others, and in order to do so you have to be well rested yourself. It is so positive that you recognize these moments of needing rest……so many of us forcefully do more work and plow through exhaustion. Catch your breath, refuel and let the excitement begin for new adventures!

  2. I’m so glad to hear you were led to rest and you responded faithfully.

    Three quick (as in brief, not hurried :)) responses…

    1) A wise grieving man once saw his friend rushing about trying to create comfort. He gently scolding him, “Don’t just do something. Stand there.”

    2) You are part of a team of pray-ers ready and willing to hold up your arms when they grow weary. Don’t hesitate to ask for help.

    3) Things get done in God’s time. If anyone (and that includes both you and me) sets an unreasonable deadline, God will see it’s broken. Better that the deadline is broken than one of God’s children.

    Peace, my friend.

    • Thank you, Tony. You are so encouraging! I’ve had a great day overall, and feel I did the right thing in hitting the pause button. I appreciate your support!

  3. Rest of the quality kind is essential and good but we oft times forget to take it – feet up and enjoy the day πŸ˜‰ ((hugs))

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