If You Give a Mom a Minute (Blog Hop Story)

Below is my contribution to last week’s photo prompt. Enjoy!


If you give a mom a minute, she’ll warm up her coffee in the microwave.

While her coffee is heating, she’ll look out the window and see her son’s socks in the back yard. Wondering how  his socks got outside, she’ll go out and grab them.

When she brings the socks inside, she’ll remember the load of clothes in the OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAdryer from last night. She’ll unload them into a basket and carry them upstairs.

When she dumps the clothes in the pile of clean laundry in her bedroom, she’ll become annoyed with having to fold and put away all the laundry. So she’ll resolve to do it later.

When she leaves her bedroom, she’ll notice her daughter’s room across the hall. It looks dark, so she’ll want to open the blinds. Picking her way through the messy floor, she’ll step on a bouncy ball, trip over a set of pajamas, and accidentally squish a paper-cup craft project.

When she opens the blinds, the sunshine on her daughter’s bedspread reminds her that she needs to wash her son’s sheets because they smell like feet. So she’ll go into her son’s room and strip his bed.

When she carries the sheets down stairs, her eye will catch the overflowing garbage in the bathroom. Carrying the sheets in one arm, she has a spare hand to grab the trash with the other.

Walking to the laundry room, her phone will ring and she’ll answer. While she’s verifying her doctor appointment with the caller, she’ll toss her son’s sheets into the washer and turn it on.

When the call ends and she drops the trash in the outside garbage can,  a text will come through from her girlfriend asking for link to the article about the paleo diet. So she’ll head to the living room to find her computer.

When she logs on, she remembers she hasn’t responded to her daughter’s teacher and sends an email. When she hits “SEND” her eye will notice the Facebook icon, and she’ll click on it.

She’ll see she has 8 new notifications. After “liking” a cat video, an article about the Oxford comma, and a clever quote about wine, she’ll see the friend who had texted earlier “liked” the picture of her chicken salad. This will remind her of the link to the paleo article, and she’ll post it to her friend’s wall.

When her eye catches an ad for Safeway, she’ll remember she needs to thaw something for dinner. She’ll go into the kitchen and rummage through freezer. She’ll decide on ground turkey.

Coffee and grinderUncertain of what dinner will be, she’ll grab the Weekday Meals Cookbook. As she pages through recipes, she sees a cappuccino cake that looks divine. The picture makes her think of how good a cup of coffee would be right now.

Thinking about coffee will remind her of the coffee she’d heated in the microwave earlier. So she’ll check the coffee in the microwave and decide it needs another minute.

9 thoughts on “If You Give a Mom a Minute (Blog Hop Story)

  1. So true…..for me I leave an exciting game on ESPN for 1 min to help brush teeth, and after a sequence of kiddo necessities I return to post-game locker interviews. Thanks for sharing, your post brought laughter to my day!

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