What’s that guy’s name again?

Martin Luther King Jr.

It’s another no-school Monday, which means my kids unpack the extra bag of crazies they’ve been saving for me (funny how full it gets in a short amount of time–didn’t we just have Christmas break?). It’s a bit overwhelming and inconvenient,  to say the least, but this morning my six-year old son served up side dose of perspective in the midst of the rambunctiousness.

Driving back home from the grocery store, he initiated the following conversation:

Sean: “Mom? What’s that guy’s name again?”

Me: “What guy?”

Sean: “That guy for why we don’t have school today. What is that guy’s name?”

Me: *pleasantly surprised he knew there was specific reason for why there was no school* “Oh. His name is Martin Luther King Jr.”

Sean: “Why did they shot him?”

Me: “Hmmm… well, honey because there were people who didn’t like what he believed. He believed in human equality.”

Sean: “Oh. They didn’t like his words.”

Me: “No, they didn’t like his words, but we should always remember his words and honor him. Martin Luther King was a very good and honorable man who fought for what he believed.”

Sean: “We shouldn’t shoot people. That’s not nice.”

Me: “You’re right honey. It’s not okay to shoot people.”

Sean: “Yeah it’s not nice.”

Then it was over. He turned to his little sister, “Haley you are a fart-booger.”


The chaos and crazy aside, Sean reminded me of why we honor this day; he gave me the opportunity  to articulate the meaning of the day not just for his curious and growing mind, but for my own spirit too.

Today we recognize a man who’s activism for civil rights was anchored in a genuine and profound love for people. For me, Martin Luther King serves as an inspiration of brave love… a man who chose to battle hate from the front lines without fear and empowered others to do the same.  His legendary words of wisdom, and acts of leadership will be forever honored and admired without fade.

“Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.” ~Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.



4 thoughts on “What’s that guy’s name again?

  1. Great story and a nice tribute to Dr. King on this special day.

    I chose to write today on the racism that was and still is prevalent among some white Midwesterners. It’s called “Was He Only Dreaming?: Hoosier Perspectives on Martin Luther King”. I’d love for you to check it out and tell me what you think.

  2. Hey there. I’m glad you posted this because he really is a very important person in American history and a lot of people think of MLK day like any other holiday, as a day off. I’m glad you recognized such an awesome man on your blog. 🙂

    • Thanks so much, Cindy. Yes, I am definitely guilty of becoming complacent about some of our national holidays, so I’m grateful for this moment to remember “the why behind.” So important! Thanks again for reading, I really appreciate it. 🙂

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